WE ARE ONE. Back then in secondary school, a lot of things mattered. I used to be among the "pens with tiny mouth" lovers. (And I still am😌). I never used to like writing with any pen that had a fat tip. If I got a new note, or had to write something at my convenience, I always used a pen with a tiny mouth. Lucky corer was my favourite then. When writing exams, I wouldn't dare go in with a big "mouth biro". I had my reasons then. Since writing with fat tip pen was never my choice, somehow, it always affected my mood, and my handwriting too. I noticed if I used any "big mouth biro", instead of concentrating while writing, I'll be busy bemoaning my handwriting, and cursing whatever situation that made me use that pen in the first place. Because of this, while coming from home for a new term, I usually buy my biros and come with the...