So, sometime ago, I was reading the Bible, and I came across that part that says..."swear not, neither by heaven..."
Then I remembered that while growing up, we were always told this in the children church. And to think that somewhere along the line, I had started swearing as a way of emphasis during conversations.
Yeah, I had to talk to myself afresh that day.
This aside, there are countless number of times I've had to revisit my actions, by just making a reference to where the decision was first hewn out from.
Just the way it is.
We sometimes kick off a project with so much enthusiasm, that even though we have a written blueprint, we make a mental picture of what we already have written out, turn it into a compass, and boom, off we go!
No looking back, no reference, no nothing. We just trust ourselves with all of ourselves.
Well, truth is, nothing bad in trusting ourselves.
The problem just arises when we miss the whole essence of the project, or whatever.
Most times, all we need is just a reminder. Whether you're in doubt or not, whether you feel like you're still on track or not, you still need a reminder. You should visit the drawing board, and compare your blueprint with what you're currently building, do they align? Have you been doing it right? Are you missing out something?
Up until you go back to where you planned it all out, you would not know what you've left out during the entire process. (Wahala for who no plan before oo😩)
The good side is priceless. Looking at it gives you strength to carry on, especially if you've been on track, and have achieved a lot. True, you might feel down when you try to grade yourself, and discover that you're way too far from average. But there's really nothing to regret. After all, you know where you stand now, and when there is life, there is hope. Hence, You begin somewhere.
Hi dear...
For this 2021, you made plans. Go on ahead, and remind yourself of them all.
Remind yourself now and again, what your goals for the year are. Check and see if you're still following the pattern you said you'll follow.
That project you drew a blueprint for, make reference to the blueprint from time to time.
That routine you started following at some point in your life, remind yourself of the reason you're doing so.
Those decisions you made at some point in your life, which you know are still valid to you, keep yourself abreast with why you uphold such decisions.
There's nothing bad in adding new goals, decisions or methods of achievement with time, but there's everything wrong in gradually leaving out some of your goals due to carelessness, or doing something entirely different from the initial plan or decision, just because you never made reference.
Thanks for reading till this point☺️. By God's grace, you'll achieve all those goals and more. By his grace, you'll keep your valid routines, and uphold your decisions. By God's grace, your dreams would be a reality.
Till we meet again, always keep the drawing board by your side. Take care, I love you 🥺💜.
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