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 Hi there. Welcome back!🤗

Trust you have been good?

Today, you would be learning something really crucial to your development as a person, and that is the art of discipline.

Sincerely and soberly,

How high have you been holding up your head in this area?

Have you been taking charge of your responsibilities, or have they been making a mess of you?

Well, by God's grace, you would stay in charge from today onwards. 


The truth is, discipline is a very important part of your life. You need it for yourself in the present, and for where you are headed.

Peradventure you want to be tempted to say...

"I can afford to shove discipline aside, after all, I am not answerable to any person. It's just me for me."


What becomes of you when you actually become answerable to people? Do not give me the answer of "I will bring out the discipline in me then". No please.


Because it does not work that way! Discipline is a culture you will take time to build intentionally. You start from making your bed as soon as you get up, to finishing tasks at the workplace.

Hence,you might want to try out any of the following helpful ways.. 

  • Talk to someone about it. 

By 'it', I mean, whatever you want to be disciplined about. 

You know that one person that would be upbeat about you achieving that thing..that would trail your progress. It could even be someone who would mock you if you fail to. This works so well between friends or even roommates. For example, you already voiced out to your roommate that you want to cut down on your sugar intake. Whenever you remember that if you buy a bottle of coke while coming home, the first thing you will hear is..."I thought you said that...". And that any meaningful explanation you give might not suffice, instead you would continue hearing references to the coke you bought in the on your way would have a rethink before you purchase that coke. 

  • Put out your feet:

This means tieing your goal to something else... something much more bigger. Put something at stake. Your reputation, your money, whatever. 

You would agree with me that if you give all your savings to a trusted person to give you back, only when you have done so and so, you will do everything within your power to complete that stuff. If not for anything, but for the sake of your savings. 

You could also make a promise to persons you know you would never want to disappoint.

  • Make it Plain on the Table.
 More like, write what it is you want, down. 

I was reading a book and the author said something like; 20 minutes of planning would actually reduce the time you would have spent in executing those activities if they were not written down.

 Even if you might not always have the patience to start categorizing them in order of priority or whatever, just write them down and have a grasp of what is on your plate.

 Trust me, it gives you a reminder, and an idea on how to start.

  • Set deadlines and beat them.
For those you have written down, it is very much easier to set deadlines for them. And please...any day you are able to do everything you initially set out to do, treat yourself to something nice. You deserve it.


Thank you for staying through till this point. Please , feel free to add any more tip that has helped you as well, in the comment section, so that everyone else can learn. 

Crush all your goals with discipline from now henceforth, and do much more. Cheers to a beautiful new week ahead. Take care!💜


  1. This is beautiful, truly Discipline is the root of achievement, the major point of getting many things done in the right way..,thank you very much for this,more ink to your pen.

  2. A disciplined person always achieves his goals without struggle of any sort.
    Thank you very much ma'am for this.More wisdom be given you ma


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