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What are you saying??

So, right from when I was very much younger, I used to hear my mom say "Go and sit down, they are too small" or even "you're too small"(referring to me now). She uses it whenever you come with some kind of threatening news or something. It is not like you asked for her opinion on how small they are or anything, she just says it out of reflex, and because that is what she believes. That issue is too small to be the one to disrupt her peace. Sometimes, she follows it up with.."Do you even know who you are??" Or "Do you still remember the God we serve??". I have not told her yet, but that phrase made me smile always, and gave me the calm I needed for the moment. It boosted my faith many a time, and it still does. 
      I have had the opportunity to converse with many persons, literate and illiterate, believers and unbelievers, leaders and followers alike, and I have come to know, that it is not based one's status or whatever. Instead, it is a function of how well you have worked on your mind. 
Yes, this is something I picked from church, and under leadership trainings, but this is not limited to believers or leaders. It should be a part of everyone's everyday life. 

Here is the point we have been walking towards...CONFESS POSITIVELY ALWAYS. 

What are you saying to yourself on a daily?? 

Your confessions are 90% negative, and you think it goes unnoticed by all the forces there are in this world? 

See..declare your success with your mouth. Normalize saying "I am rich", because, yes you are. Tell your friends around, and anybody that cares to listen, that this situation is too small to frustrate me". Say all sorts of nice things to your mirror. You deserve that, and more.  

Here is the thing:
How upbeat you are about something, affects the rest of us. Give us a reason to go the extra mile. 

One thing that does it for me, is declaring immediately. Never give anything negative, so much time to eat deeply into you. Apply conscious and intentional effort. As soon as you get a destabilizing news, say "It is well". You can go further, and declare more peace. You are not blabbing. You are saying things that will definitely happen. 

As a leader, what do you say to the hearing of your team??  
Even if you have your fears within, what you show them, affects them. 

Let them see your positivity, let them see your resilience. It is on your faith, that they will build theirs. 

Finally, in all your believings, believe in yourself. No one will do it for you, and even those who do so, will someday tire out, if there is no encouragement coming from your end. 

Your energy is contagious. Go all out with it, and watch it spread💥. 

 Thank you for coming around today. Welcome to a new lifestyle filled with so much positive energy. You are changing for good. Till we meet again, take care and be outstanding. Your favourite writer, Joy💜. 


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