Let's talk, friend... What really do you plan to use all of those compliments which you've bottled up within yourself to do??. Let me guess...maybe save them all up till you're able to buy a fortune with it? Funny, right??..But this bothers me pretty much, so you have to tell me please. We'll come back to this later though, let us just not begin as enemies.
We would be learning about keys to a happy life, today. I garnered my information from a few personal encounters with persons, and my own application to life. Therefore, this list would not be exhaustive, but they're sure effective.
- Choke with Love: Have you ever been stuck in a very tight corner with affection that the next air you sought to breathe was freedom? To me, and some others out there, that's one of the best feelings. I understand so well if you do not like it.. I've seen a lot of your type. Though it baffles me at how much I could love something, and yet have someone hate it at almost an equal proportion. However, thank God for mom who keeps reminding me that all fingers are not equal (She must have said that to me, more than she ever said my name😂🤦).
Back to where we were.. I'm sure someone does not still agree with the subhead. Alright, let me share an experience. I have a course mate, who is now also a friend. Baby girl came to class one day, and we sat by each other. Then, towards the end of the class that day, she began to feel sick. It was terrible.. she was weeping profusely, and I felt bad for her, though I was handicapped and really couldn't help because her place of residence was quite far from mine. However, one of her friends came around, and took her, to the school's health center. I made a mental note to call her after my fellowship that evening which I did. Before then, we had not really had any phone conversation though. It had always been just the regular 'hello' and 'hi' in class. During the phone conversation, after I introduced myself and we had talked, she began to pour out deep appreciation. She was very much surprised, and happy. She kept ringing it in my ear for a long time, till it sank in, and taught me some lessons. Ever since then, we have become good friends.
I did say it taught me some lessons right?...Yeah, that's what I want to share with you. Most often, people take cue from your actions". You do something for them today, and they do better for you tomorrow. It happens when I check up on my friends who don't show up in class. It happens when I show love to someone. Me aside, I've witnessed it in the lives of persons around me.

Despite all this, one thing is sure. There are times when the ball of love you try to throw comes back smashing you right in your face. Yeah...trust me, it happens. Maybe times when you're totally ignored or misunderstood. It could be really brutal. After all, it has been said that most people who we now tag as wicked once cared too much. But never let that deter you. Be what you want to receive in return. Give out more love than you even receive. Check up on others, you really don't know what's happening on the other end, and appreciate it whenever something like that is done for you. Not everyone would do it for you.
- Give out compliments more often: Just so you know, those comments go much longer than you could ever think of, dear friend. Saying "This is beautiful, creative, innovative" do not hurt the lips. Neither would pouring out a word of blessing or encouragement reduce your stature. Truth is, a lot of us take these things for granted, maybe because we've not really known its importance. Well, let me hint you.
Many times, you're probably just scanning or surfing through your phone, and you come across something really nice that someone has done. There in your house, or wherever, and to yourself or whomever, you roll out the compliments. "
This person is doing well" or in whatever form you may want to say it. And it ends there. The compliment never gets to that person. Friend, this is not a good one.
All the more reason I asked at the beginning.."what exactly do you intend to do with all of those compliments meant for persons which you instead chose to bottle up inside you, or proclaim to the inanimates around your house. Just so you know, the importance of this cannot be over-emphasized. We cannot go into details. Just bear it in mind, that compliments do a lot as regards the morale and self-esteem of a person.
Let me give you a quick, funny, but sad truth. sometimes when compliments are not explicitly given, people tend to take the opposite conclusion. You've probably done this before consciously or not. E.g you try out something new for the first time, and try to get along without giving yourself away as someone seeking for attention, yet hoping deep down somewhere that someone says something about what you tried out. Say, everyone is in a bad mood, and no one gives you a single thought. In 90% of cases, you go home feeling that what you tried out was horrible, and that they even decided to save you the shame, by not saying anything about it at all.
You remember??..yeah, so don't carry on with this attitude. Both for you and for the person you're complimenting. When you give out, you receive in return, most times more. Now you know...so don't forget to leave a compliment for someone today.
- Add a little touch of humor to your life: We already get too much tension from life itself, the worst you could do for us is trying to top this up with your own seriousness all the time. Go easy on us please 🙏😔.
How many people seeking for a person to cool off with would think of you?? Do you analyze everything brought to your table with this serious eye such that someone has to think twice before bringing up a discussion with you?
Loosen up please..for yourself most importantly, then for everyone else around you. laugh out when the need arises, and don't say no to relaxation moments. Try to spice up your conversations, and each day of your life, be intentional about this, in a way that persons who talk with you would love to come back for that sole purpose. Ease up tension... remind someone that worrying does not take any bit of the problem away. Instead it makes one old. Be humble, but get people's jokes, and crack yours too. You only live once. It's not just a saying, it's truth.
Happy new month friend. You came through for me once more today, and I'm grateful for that. Thank you. Do not forget to command your month today, and declare how you want it to be for you. Do it, those prayers would run through till the end of the month for you. Meanwhile, I broke this down into two for your sake...I really didn't want to get you bored, so I cut it short. I'll give you the next dose wouldn'soonest.I promise, I won't keep you waiting. Just run into this month with these first three, and let's watch a better and loveable you emerge💃💃. Remember, you're the best version of yourself, so love yourself with all that lies in you. I love you too😚. Do take care, and stay safe... your favourite writer,Joy💜
This is very nice. And Happy New month to you too dear
ReplyDeleteAyaOba... Thanks a lot🙌🙌
DeleteBeautifully written!
ReplyDeleteHappy new month darling.
A great way to start a new month indeed
DeleteThank you Goody💕
This is amazing... More ink to your
ReplyDeleteThank you friend 😚..Amen!
DeleteThat compliment own, I'm working on...nice write up
ReplyDeletePlease do baby... it's very much important.
DeleteThank you 💜
A very nice write up dear Joy
ReplyDeleteI love the part concerning compliments. Keep it up dear
A masterpiece dear
ReplyDeleteDon't stop writing...
ReplyDeleteI love this, keep it up dear. More grace
ReplyDeleteI love complimenting people as much as possible! This is a great post!
ReplyDeleteI learnt a lot from this oh😏😊