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You are unstoppable.

          This space has been less busy for a while now. So many things happening at the same time. My apologies.
           So, what is it you've been going through lately?
           Have you been having some hard time, or maybe hitting rough phases, facing obstacles, or meeting bad energies at almost every corner?
            Let me share this with you.
            Never see reasons to quit yet.

            Whatever tunnel it is you are going through, it's just a phase. It will definitely pass. That I'm sure of. It is the exact time I'm clueless about.
            Another thing is this, you're never in it alone. There is hardly any person around who really doesn't have an issue which he/she is battling with. In clearer terms, you're better off than a whole lot of persons. Your case is not the deadliest. A whole lot of others see worse days. For this reason alone, never stop being grateful.
           In this aspect, you too can relate. Most times, we all just package. For the person beside you, for the culture, for so many reasons. You carry yourself at your best, when you're in your worst of times. So does your neighbor, therefore,do not be intimidated by dispositions.
            It would be well🙌.
            È ma de bè, è ma ju bè lôn. That place you want to get to , you will get there, and surpass it. You'll go far.
            Then,what  is it you want to do, or achieve. What is it that rousing in your belly you want to bring to life? What is that dream of yours you see both at night, and in daytime?
            And  what's holding you back? What's stopping you?
            Don't tell me people 😔.
            As much as you ask for opinions, filter your answers. Not everyone think before talking.
             So, what's your next barrier? Time, money, something else?
            Here is all I'll tell you. Begin somewhere today. Start taking baby steps today. The path gets clearer as you proceed.
            Let me share a personal story with you. So, at the time I was about to get into the University, I had to buy a form for an exam. It was quite expensive, but that wasn't even issue. From what was on ground, Dad could afford to squeeze that amount out.
             The main issue was the school fees which the authorities were already telling us we were going to pay, after a short period of gaining admission. Dad was having nothing close to that amount, and after examining everything, I told him not to worry, I would stay home for an extra year, while working, and trying to save up. He really didn't reply, but we were just watching the deadline for the sale of the forms, pass by very quickly. On the last day of the sales of those forms, I was just returning home when Dad grabbed me by the hand, and told me we were going to purchase the form. I quietly followed. On our way there, I then asked him why the sudden change of plans. Then he told me. If you're waiting till everything is complete before taking a step, you might end up never starting at all.
If you're waiting till everything is complete before taking a step, you might end up never starting at all.
           Long story cut short, I got the form, took the exam, performed well, got my admission, and when the time for the payment of the school fees came. Dad paid it, the means notwithstanding. Till date, I'm ever grateful that I didn't just allow that year slip by.
             I've said a lot. I should stop already. But let me leave you with these lyrics."If you know you're a star, say Irawo Irawo eeh". Irawo is the Yoruba meaning for star. So why am I bringing it in? What is it you are?? Keep saying it. Never stop calling yourself to existence. You're getting closer. You'll hit it seamlessly, and surpass extraordinarily.
            We call it a wrap here. Thanks for coming through today. Lots of love from your favourite writer, Joy💜.


  1. 🔥 🔥 🔥
    This is balming...thanks alot

  2. You're welcome.. Thanks for reading too💘.


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