Pheew. First blogpost in the year 2021.
Yeah, the window blinds are only slightly open, and the image of the house contents are still blurry. But, we move regardless!.
I'll apologize at this point. Towards the end of last year, I had my hands full, and worse still, all of it came at almost the same time, and left me with no time to set my priorities all up. I'm really sorry to have starved this place, and I hope you forgive me.
Intentionally, 2021 is bringing balance, and you'll always be meeting me here every first ,and third Saturday of the month. God help both of us. Amen? Amenπ€©
So, how have you been? How has your first week in 2021 been like? Quiet?, full of decision taking?, Just vibes?, Or have you made that one mistake you said you wanted to avoid all through the year, and now you wish we could restart all over again?π π
Whichever yours is, we still keep moving. Aheadπ.
Well, in this year, and beyond, there's something you'll be needing to do away with. And that is, the feeling of entitlement. If possible, bury it six feet down. Here's the thing, life has not always been fair, believe it or not. And till date, I don't know when that will change. So, start getting used to it.
Whether you're an upcoming star seeking recognition and recommendation, or you're seeking financial help, or it's just a simple commendation you want from family, quit feeling entitled.
This 'entitlement mentality' is when you tend to always expect some sort of response from another end, when you accomplish something, or when you need help. Most times, because you feel you deserve it, and other times, because you think they owe you that responsibility.
Something to note: No one owes you anything. Okay, scratch that. Maybe your friend still owes you money. I'm sorry thenπ€².
But I'm sure you have an idea of what I mean. As regards something you never really worked for, or gave them to hold for you, no one owes you any of it.
The earlier you sink this in, the better. Good thing how everyone is trying to educate everyone else on the importance of supporting friends and family while they're trying to build their brands, develop themselves and all.
But while we're still at it, work on the expectation sector of your mind too. Some persons won't grant you help because they are facing greater challenges, while some others will not provide moral support because of absolutely no reason why. Whatever it turns out to be, just be ready before hand.
One thing is, if you don't work on this in time, responses that don't come might break you down. Worse still, you may begin to harbour a collection of grudges against that person.
Be grateful for the responses you receive, and don't dwell on the ones that never came. Get up, and be responsible for yourself. Be your favourite fan. Pat yourself on the back, always. Don't just sit at one spot and expect everyone to see your big dreams the way you see them. You have to prove that ninety percent of the time, so go all out, and put life in your ideas. Let every rejection give you a push to make something beautiful out of yourself.
You'll someday get to the spot you have always wanted to be.
Till next time, take care and be good!π
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